
Release of free tools for public aquarium aquarists

Release of free tools for public aquarium aquarists
In: News

If we've ever worked together, you'll know just how passionate I am about automation in pursuit of efficiency. But automation is especially important in critical tasks like drug administration, where mistakes and human error, for example in calculating the volume of a quarantine tank, can have disastrous consequences.

My trusty excel spreadsheets served their purpose, but they weren't exactly practical and they were no help for on-the-go use. I've long wanted to make something more mobile, something I could keep in my pocket and reference whenever the need arose, but I never got around to it.

Well, I’ve finally pulled my finger out and built a tool for the job. 🚀

I've created a set of mobile-friendly tools to take the burden out of husbandry calculations and conversions.

Check them out at — they're free! 🙌

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