Other interests

Owner, Curious

Frustrated by the total lack of innovation in exhibit interpretation, I created Curious: a digital interpretation platform specifically designed for zoos & aquariums. Built with simplicity and ease of use at its core, Curious enhances visitor engagement, reduces reliance on printed materials & expensive electronics, and provides visitors with instant access to detailed species profiles for every animal. Coming soon.

Non-Exec Director, National Marine Aquarium

The largest Aquarium in the UK, and a proud component of the Ocean Conservation Trust. I sit on the board of directors, and help to shape the aquarium's vision, mission, and long-term objectives.

Head of Development, reefLIVE

Head of Development for reefLIFE, currently pursuing aquarium acquisitions and pre-construction projects across the UK and Europe.

Technical Director, Ninetyone Innovation

A leading provider of innovative and exciting "interactives" for the zoo and aquarium sector, I have responsibility over the design, development, and manufacture of all products. We sell through our exclusive distributor, 121 Animal Handling.

Board Trustee, RSPCA

Serving on the board of an RSPCA branch, I provide specific guidance around animal welfare and legislation and help to shape the strategic direction and policies of the branch.

Career Highlights

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